Bluesky Sentiment Indexing

Starter Pack Cohorts

By Steve Ewing in Bluesky

November 22, 2024

First get the starter packs for a given vector of actors, then get the people in each starter pack.


actor_identifiers <- c("", #politics
                       "", #entertainment
                       "", #sports
                       "") #science

get_people_in_starter_packs <- function(actor_identifiers) {
  # Create a logged-in API session object once
  session <- request("") |>
    req_method("POST") |>
      identifier = Sys.getenv("BLUESKY_APP_USER"),
      password = Sys.getenv("BLUESKY_APP_PASS")
    )) |>
    req_perform() |>
  # Initialize an empty tibble to hold all items from all actors
  all_actors_items_df <- tibble()
  # Loop over each actor_identifier
  for (actor_identifier in actor_identifiers) {
    # Fetch starter packs for the current actor_identifier
    req <- request("") |>
      req_method("GET") |>
      req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", session$accessJwt)) |>
      req_url_query(actor = actor_identifier)
    resp <- req |> req_perform()
    starter_packs <- resp_body_json(resp)
    starter_packs_list <- starter_packs$starterPacks
    # Check if starter_packs_list is empty or NULL
    if (is.null(starter_packs_list) || length(starter_packs_list) == 0) {
      message("No starter packs found for actor: ", actor_identifier)
      next  # Skip to next actor_identifier
    # Unnest the nested list into a tibble
    unnested_sp <- map_dfr(
      ~ tibble(
        uri = .x$uri,
        cid = .x$cid,
        record_type = .x$record$`$type`,
        record_createdAt = .x$record$createdAt,
        record_description = .x$record$description,
        record_list = .x$record$list,
        record_name = .x$record$name,
        record_updatedAt = .x$record$updatedAt,
        creator_did = .x$creator$did,
        creator_handle = .x$creator$handle,
        creator_displayName = .x$creator$displayName,
        creator_avatar = .x$creator$avatar,
        creator_viewer_muted = .x$creator$viewer$muted,
        creator_viewer_blockedBy = .x$creator$viewer$blockedBy,
        creator_viewer_following = .x$creator$viewer$following,
        creator_createdAt = .x$creator$createdAt,
        joinedAllTimeCount = .x$joinedAllTimeCount,
        joinedWeekCount = .x$joinedWeekCount,
        indexedAt = .x$indexedAt,
        actor_identifier = actor_identifier  # Add actor_identifier to the tibble
    # Initialize an empty tibble to hold all items from all lists of this actor
    all_items_df <- tibble()
    # Loop over each record in unnested_sp
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(unnested_sp))) {
      # Extract list URI, name, and creator handle for the current starter pack
      list_uri <- unnested_sp$record_list[i]
      record_name <- unnested_sp$record_name[i]
      creator_handle <- unnested_sp$creator_handle[i]
      # Initialize an empty list to hold items from this list
      all_items <- list()
      # Initialize cursor as NULL
      cursor <- NULL
      repeat {
        # Construct the GET request
        req <- request("") |>
          req_method("GET") |>
          req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", session$accessJwt)) |>
          req_url_query(list = list_uri)
        # If cursor is not NULL, add it to the query
        if (!is.null(cursor)) {
          req <- req |> req_url_query(cursor = cursor)
        # Perform the request
        resp <- req |>
            is_error = function(resp)
          ) |>
        # Check if the response is an error
        if (resp_status(resp) >= 400) {
          message("An error occurred: ", resp_status_desc(resp))
          # Optionally, print the response body for more details
        # Parse the response
        list_data <- resp_body_json(resp)
        # Extract items and append to all_items
        all_items <- c(all_items, list_data$items)
        # Update cursor
        if (!is.null(list_data$cursor)) {
          cursor <- list_data$cursor
        } else {
          # No more pages to fetch
      # Now process all_items, adding record_name and creator_handle
      items_df <- map_dfr(all_items, function(item) {
          uri = item$uri,
          did = item$subject$did %||% NA_character_,
          handle = item$subject$handle %||% NA_character_,
          displayName = item$subject$displayName %||% NA_character_,
          avatar = item$subject$avatar %||% NA_character_,
          description = item$subject$description %||% NA_character_,
          createdAt = item$subject$createdAt %||% NA_character_,
          indexedAt = item$subject$indexedAt %||% NA_character_,
          record_name = record_name,         # Add the record_name here
          creator_handle = creator_handle    # Add the creator_handle here
      # Append items_df to all_items_df for this actor
      all_items_df <- bind_rows(all_items_df, items_df)
    # Append all_items_df for this actor to the overall all_actors_items_df
    all_actors_items_df <- bind_rows(all_actors_items_df, all_items_df)
  # Return the combined data frame

people_in_starter_packs <- get_people_in_starter_packs(actor_identifiers)

Now get all the posts up until now for all the people in the starter packs.

# # Function to get posts from a vector of handles
# get_posts_from_handles <- function(handles) {
#   # Create a logged-in API session object once
#   session <- request("") |>
#     req_method("POST") |>
#     req_body_json(list(
#       identifier = Sys.getenv("BLUESKY_APP_USER"),
#       password = Sys.getenv("BLUESKY_APP_PASS")
#     )) |>
#     req_perform() |>
#     resp_body_json()
#   # Initialize an empty tibble to hold all posts
#   all_posts_df <- tibble()
#   # Loop over each handle
#   for (handle in handles) {
#     message("Fetching posts for handle: ", handle)
#     # Initialize an empty list to hold posts for this handle
#     all_posts <- list()
#     # Initialize cursor as NULL
#     cursor <- NULL
#     repeat {
#       # Construct the GET request
#       req <- request("") |>
#         req_method("GET") |>
#         req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", session$accessJwt)) |>
#         req_url_query(actor = handle)
#       # If cursor is not NULL, add it to the query
#       if (!is.null(cursor)) {
#         req <- req |> req_url_query(cursor = cursor)
#       }
#       # Perform the request
#       resp <- req |>
#         req_error(is_error = function(resp) FALSE) |>
#         req_perform()
#       # Check if the response is an error
#       if (resp_status(resp) >= 400) {
#         message("An error occurred fetching posts for ", handle, ": ", resp_status_desc(resp))
#         # Optionally, print the response body for more details
#         print(resp_body_string(resp))
#         break
#       }
#       # Parse the response
#       feed_data <- resp_body_json(resp)
#       # Check if feed is empty
#       if (length(feed_data$feed) == 0) {
#         message("No posts found for handle: ", handle)
#         break
#       }
#       # Extract posts and append to all_posts
#       all_posts <- c(all_posts, feed_data$feed)
#       # Update cursor
#       if (!is.null(feed_data$cursor)) {
#         cursor <- feed_data$cursor
#       } else {
#         # No more pages to fetch
#         break
#       }
#       # Optional: Pause to respect rate limits
#       Sys.sleep(0.1)
#     }
#     # Now process all_posts into a tibble
#     posts_df <- map_dfr(all_posts, function(post) {
#       tibble(
#         uri = post$post$uri,
#         cid = post$post$cid,
#         author_did = post$post$author$did %||% NA_character_,
#         author_handle = post$post$author$handle %||% NA_character_,
#         author_displayName = post$post$author$displayName %||% NA_character_,
#         record_type = post$post$record$`$type` %||% NA_character_,
#         record_text = post$post$record$text %||% NA_character_,
#         record_createdAt = post$post$record$createdAt %||% NA_character_,
#         reply_root = post$post$record$reply$root$uri %||% NA_character_,
#         reply_parent = post$post$record$reply$parent$uri %||% NA_character_,
#         repost_count = post$post$repostCount %||% NA_integer_,
#         reply_count = post$post$replyCount %||% NA_integer_,
#         like_count = post$post$likeCount %||% NA_integer_,
#         indexed_at = post$post$indexedAt %||% NA_character_
#       )
#     })
#     # Append posts_df to all_posts_df
#     all_posts_df <- bind_rows(all_posts_df, posts_df)
#   }
#   # Return the combined posts data frame
#   all_posts_df
# }
# # Fetch posts for all handles
# all_posts_df <- get_posts_from_handles(unique(all_items_df$handle))
# # View the resulting posts dataset
# print(all_posts_df)

Load the saved data from the database.

## Loading required package: DBI

# Create or connect to a DuckDB database file
con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), "bluesky_data.duckdb")

# Save the people_in_starter_packs data frame to the database
dbWriteTable(con, "people_in_starter_packs", people_in_starter_packs, overwrite = TRUE)

# # Save the all_posts_df data frame to the database
# dbWriteTable(con, "posts", all_posts_df, overwrite = TRUE)

Update the posts in the database.

# Function to update posts in the database
update_posts_in_database <- function() {
  library(parsedate)  # Added to handle ISO 8601 timestamp parsing
  # Create a logged-in API session object once
  session <- request("") |>
    req_method("POST") |>
      identifier = Sys.getenv("BLUESKY_APP_USER"),
      password = Sys.getenv("BLUESKY_APP_PASS")
    )) |>
    req_perform() |>
  # Connect to the database
  con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), "bluesky_data.duckdb")
  # Get the list of handles from the people_in_starter_packs table
  handles_df <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT DISTINCT handle FROM people_in_starter_packs")
  handles <- handles_df$handle
  # Initialize a tibble to hold new posts
  new_posts_df <- tibble()
  # Loop over each handle
  for (handle in handles) {
    message("Updating posts for handle: ", handle)
    # Get the latest record_createdAt for this handle from the posts table
    latest_time_query <- sprintf(
      "SELECT MAX(record_createdAt) as latest_time FROM posts WHERE author_handle = '%s'",
    latest_time_result <- dbGetQuery(con, latest_time_query)
    latest_time <- latest_time_result$latest_time[1]
    # If there is no latest_time (i.e., no posts for this handle), set to NULL
    if ( || is.null(latest_time)) {
      latest_time <- NULL
      message("No existing posts found for handle: ", handle)
    } else {
      message("Latest post time for ", handle, ": ", latest_time)
    # Initialize variables for fetching posts
    all_posts <- list()
    cursor <- NULL
    keep_fetching <- TRUE
    repeat {
      # Construct the GET request
      req <- request("") |>
        req_method("GET") |>
        req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", session$accessJwt)) |>
        req_url_query(actor = handle)
      # If cursor is not NULL, add it to the query
      if (!is.null(cursor)) {
        req <- req |> req_url_query(cursor = cursor)
      # Perform the request
      resp <- req |>
        req_error(is_error = function(resp) FALSE) |>
      # Check if the response is an error
      if (resp_status(resp) >= 400) {
        message("An error occurred fetching posts for ", handle, ": ", resp_status_desc(resp))
        # Optionally, print the response body for more details
      # Parse the response
      feed_data <- resp_body_json(resp)
      # Check if feed is empty
      if (length(feed_data$feed) == 0) {
        message("No posts found for handle: ", handle)
      # Process posts and check timestamps
      posts_to_add <- list()
      for (post in feed_data$feed) {
        post_time <- post$post$record$createdAt %||% ""
        if (post_time == "") next  # Skip if no timestamp
        # Parse the timestamps using parsedate::parse_iso_8601
        post_time_parsed <- parse_iso_8601(post_time)
        latest_time_parsed <- if (!is.null(latest_time)) parse_iso_8601(latest_time) else NULL
        # Compare post_time with latest_time
        if (!is.null(latest_time_parsed) && ! && post_time_parsed <= latest_time_parsed) {
          # Reached posts we've already fetched
          keep_fetching <- FALSE
        } else {
          # New post, add to the list
          posts_to_add <- c(posts_to_add, list(post))
      # Append new posts to all_posts
      all_posts <- c(all_posts, posts_to_add)
      # Break the loop if we've reached existing posts
      if (!keep_fetching) {
      # Update cursor
      if (!is.null(feed_data$cursor)) {
        cursor <- feed_data$cursor
      } else {
        # No more pages to fetch
      # Optional: Pause to respect rate limits
    # If there are new posts, process and insert them into the database
    if (length(all_posts) > 0) {
      message("Found ", length(all_posts), " new posts for handle: ", handle)
      # Process the new posts into a tibble
      posts_df <- map_dfr(all_posts, function(post) {
          uri = post$post$uri,
          cid = post$post$cid,
          author_did = post$post$author$did %||% NA_character_,
          author_handle = post$post$author$handle %||% NA_character_,
          author_displayName = post$post$author$displayName %||% NA_character_,
          record_type = post$post$record$`$type` %||% NA_character_,
          record_text = post$post$record$text %||% NA_character_,
          record_createdAt = post$post$record$createdAt %||% NA_character_,
          reply_root = post$post$record$reply$root$uri %||% NA_character_,
          reply_parent = post$post$record$reply$parent$uri %||% NA_character_,
          repost_count = post$post$repostCount %||% NA_integer_,
          reply_count = post$post$replyCount %||% NA_integer_,
          like_count = post$post$likeCount %||% NA_integer_,
          indexed_at = post$post$indexedAt %||% NA_character_
      # Write the new posts to the database
      dbWriteTable(con, "posts", posts_df, append = TRUE)
    } else {
      message("No new posts found for handle: ", handle)
  # Disconnect from the database
  dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)


Add sentiment scoring

compute_sentiment_scores <- function() {
  # Connect to the database
  con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), "bluesky_data.duckdb")
  # Read the posts table
  posts_df <- dbReadTable(con, "posts")
  # Ensure record_text is not NA
  posts_df <- posts_df %>% filter(!
  # Select relevant columns
  posts_df <- posts_df %>% select(uri, record_text)
  # Tokenize the text
  posts_tokens <- posts_df %>%
    unnest_tokens(word, record_text)
  # Get the AFINN sentiment lexicon
  afinn <- get_sentiments("afinn")
  # Join tokens with sentiment lexicon
  posts_sentiment <- posts_tokens %>%
    inner_join(afinn, by = "word")
  # Compute sentiment score per post
  post_sentiment_scores <- posts_sentiment %>%
    group_by(uri) %>%
    summarise(sentiment_score = sum(value))
  # Handle posts without sentiment words
  all_uris <- posts_df$uri
  post_sentiment_scores <- tibble(uri = all_uris) %>%
    left_join(post_sentiment_scores, by = "uri") %>%
    mutate(sentiment_score = replace_na(sentiment_score, 0))
  # Write the sentiment scores to the database
  dbWriteTable(con, "post_sentiment_scores", post_sentiment_scores, overwrite = TRUE)
  # Disconnect from the database
  dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)

# Reconnect to the database
con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), "bluesky_data.duckdb")

# Join posts with sentiment scores
posts_with_sentiment <- dbGetQuery(con, "
  SELECT p.*, s.sentiment_score
  FROM posts p
  LEFT JOIN post_sentiment_scores s ON p.uri = s.uri

# Disconnect from the database
dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)

# View the data frame
##                                                                      uri
## 1 at://did:plc:mkyjjkt5uwobjstft6x4tfy4/
## 2 at://did:plc:s3usd6r2ja3vjwazopbk3iaz/
## 3 at://did:plc:uynpich2hsqmryyhr3moz5re/
## 4 at://did:plc:nf66nltcbiomd5u3fpj4b42v/
## 5 at://did:plc:mkyjjkt5uwobjstft6x4tfy4/
## 6 at://did:plc:mkyjjkt5uwobjstft6x4tfy4/
##                                                           cid
## 1 bafyreicqps4jg7m7hwhxu32xcy4atzydfj422d6hqki6g4kthbiqxnbw2e
## 2 bafyreihfqxay3elo4nav2udxgnz3ir2zdxqy4mra7ixbfpcp6sgmun2isy
## 3 bafyreiew3apfmapto5qcwx5dkb7eabanadtntb3li2salirhu2wvuc7p2u
## 4 bafyreih4qjymynxmkraidjis7brvz4rnzsizubrlurpraxliney33b2sj4
## 5 bafyreidk3437fs4lluj26kfn6fba3wn2abwhwozrqpucnywmstydfc6r2u
## 6 bafyreiaqzji2vyc4sbmuluqafrnvip4rwad7epfxxyzfwdjzjvhef3go4u
##                         author_did               author_handle
## 1 did:plc:mkyjjkt5uwobjstft6x4tfy4
## 2 did:plc:s3usd6r2ja3vjwazopbk3iaz
## 3 did:plc:uynpich2hsqmryyhr3moz5re
## 4 did:plc:nf66nltcbiomd5u3fpj4b42v
## 5 did:plc:mkyjjkt5uwobjstft6x4tfy4
## 6 did:plc:mkyjjkt5uwobjstft6x4tfy4
##          author_displayName        record_type
## 1          Dr. Tessa Fisher
## 2 luc is figuring it out ♻️🛰️
## 3               pavedwalden
## 4            Dr. Stephanie
## 5          Dr. Tessa Fisher
## 6          Dr. Tessa Fisher
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          record_text
## 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The frequency of paranoid reading on this site as of late is getting pretty exhausting
## 2            Hi.\n\nI’m trying to raise funds for my top surgery.\n\nAs of this morning, about 37% of my goal has been met.\n\nI’m beyond grateful for your support, and I still need your help to get me closer to this procedure.\n\nCan you help me spread the word?\n\nThank you! \n\n
## 3            When you see someone getting main charactered, I want you to notice how people feed off each other's anger, "yes and"ing each dunk, finding new angles of attack, building a narrative around the target. It feels good to be in agreement. It feels good to be funny. It feels better than being fair.
## 4 NIH postdocs want a union!\n\nBetter pay, better workplace protections, better healthcare… And because so many other postdocs peg salaries to the NIH scale, this could benefit far more people than just at the NIH.\n\nThe NIH tried (and has now recanted) “they’re not employees”.\n\nUNION STRONG, FRIENDS! 🧪
## 5                                                                                                                                                                                I, for one, look forward to the day when trans women will be free to post about other things in addition to discourse and shitposts
## 6                                                                                                                                                           First off, this is an excellent choice of names for a star.\n\nSecondly, stellar astro folks, do we have an idea if Earendel is actually Pop III or not?
##           record_createdAt
## 1 2023-08-10T16:29:23.978Z
## 2 2023-07-21T22:37:37.871Z
## 3 2023-08-09T22:55:04.949Z
## 4 2023-08-09T22:12:11.362Z
## 5 2023-08-10T00:54:42.746Z
## 6 2023-08-10T00:47:20.265Z
##                                                               reply_root
## 1                                                                   <NA>
## 2                                                                   <NA>
## 3 at://did:plc:uynpich2hsqmryyhr3moz5re/
## 4                                                                   <NA>
## 5                                                                   <NA>
## 6                                                                   <NA>
##                                                             reply_parent
## 1                                                                   <NA>
## 2                                                                   <NA>
## 3 at://did:plc:uynpich2hsqmryyhr3moz5re/
## 4                                                                   <NA>
## 5                                                                   <NA>
## 6                                                                   <NA>
##   repost_count reply_count like_count               indexed_at sentiment_score
## 1            0           0          0 2023-08-10T16:29:23.978Z               1
## 2            5           1          4 2023-07-21T22:37:37.871Z              13
## 3           52           4        162 2023-08-09T22:55:04.949Z              13
## 4           13           1         27 2023-08-09T22:12:11.362Z              10
## 5            1           0         10 2023-08-10T00:54:42.746Z               1
## 6            0           0          2 2023-08-10T00:47:20.265Z               3



# Reconnect to the database
con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), "bluesky_data.duckdb")

# Load posts with sentiment scores
posts_with_sentiment <- dbGetQuery(con, "
  SELECT p.*, s.sentiment_score
  FROM posts p
  LEFT JOIN post_sentiment_scores s ON p.uri = s.uri

# Load starter pack information
starter_packs_df <- dbReadTable(con, "people_in_starter_packs")

# Disconnect from the database
dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)

# Merge posts with starter pack information
posts_with_starter_pack <- posts_with_sentiment %>%
  left_join(starter_packs_df %>% select(handle, record_name, creator_handle), by = c("author_handle" = "handle")) %>%
# Ensure 'record_createdAt' is parsed as POSIXct
    record_createdAt = as.POSIXct(record_createdAt, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", tz = "UTC"),
    date = as.Date(record_createdAt),
    sentiment_score = replace_na(sentiment_score, 0))
## Warning in left_join(., starter_packs_df %>% select(handle, record_name, : Detected an unexpected many-to-many relationship between `x` and `y`.
## ℹ Row 81 of `x` matches multiple rows in `y`.
## ℹ Row 1503 of `y` matches multiple rows in `x`.
## ℹ If a many-to-many relationship is expected, set `relationship =
##   "many-to-many"` to silence this warning.
# Calculate the overall average sentiment score
overall_average_sentiment <- mean(posts_with_starter_pack$sentiment_score, na.rm = TRUE)

# Group by date and starter pack name to compute daily averages
daily_sentiment <- posts_with_starter_pack %>%
  group_by(date, author_handle, creator_handle) %>%
  summarise(avg_sentiment_handles = mean(sentiment_score, na.rm = TRUE),
            .groups = "drop") %>%
  group_by(date, creator_handle) %>%
    average_sentiment = mean(avg_sentiment_handles, na.rm = TRUE),
    .groups = "drop"
  ) %>%
  filter(date >= floor_date(Sys.Date(), "month"),
## Attaching package: 'scales'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     discard
## The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
##     col_factor
## Loading required package: viridisLite
## Attaching package: 'viridis'
## The following object is masked from 'package:scales':
##     viridis_pal
# Plot the sentiment index over time with every other day on the x-axis
plot <- ggplot(daily_sentiment, aes(x = date, y = average_sentiment, color = creator_handle)) +
  geom_line(size = 1) +
  geom_point(size = 2) +
  scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") +
    date_labels = "%b %d",
    date_breaks = "2 days",
    expand = c(0.01, 0)
  ) +
    limits = c(min(daily_sentiment$average_sentiment) - 1, max(daily_sentiment$average_sentiment) + 1),
    expand = c(0, 0)
  ) +
    title = "Daily Average Sentiment by Starter Pack",
    subtitle = "Based on sentiment analysis of user posts",
    x = "Date",
    y = "Average Sentiment Score",
    color = "Starter Pack"
  ) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 12) +
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
    plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 16),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 12),
    legend.title = element_text(face = "bold"),
    legend.position = "bottom",
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
ggsave("featured.jpg", plot, width = 6, height = 3, device = "jpg")

# Disconnect from the database
dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)
## Warning: Connection already closed.
Posted on:
November 22, 2024
14 minute read, 2822 words
R DuckDB Bluesky
See Also:
Teun van den Brand's Plots
Another Kyle Walker Map
Tidy Tuesday Customs and Border Protection